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Patriots Fans Boycott Super Bowl

Scritto da il 8 Agosto 2010

Charlie Holder, general manager at The Pier restaurant, isn’t a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” kind of guy. Instead of watching a Super Bowl game where the Patriots were glaringly absent, he chose to throw an Anti Superbowl party.
“The reason behind it was because the Patriots weren’t in the Super Bowl. We have a big Patriots crowd here and everyone’s depressed so I thought, lets throw an anti Super Bowl party and we’ll call it nine days till Spring training, when the Red Sox start up,” said Holder. “We’re trying to get the Patriots off of everyone’s mind.”
The Pier has never experienced the likes of an Anti Super Bowl party but the staff and patrons are approached the concept with grace. Cheap Jerseys free shipping The night was full of lots of food and drinks and many happy partygoers. Each television in the cocktail area was on a different channel representing a different New England sport and many national championships.
Newport locals showed up to support the restaurant with their newfound mission.
“We’re regulars here,” said Stacy Raiano, who came with her husband and friends. When asked if they were sad to not be watching the football game, the group insisted that they were only Patriots fans.
As more of the crowd filtered in, bartenders Jason Holder and Greg Ganser had their hands full but their minds in game mode.
“The only thing we care about are nine days till spring training, hence the Red Sox jerseys,” Holder said. “We’re football fans but would much rather see the Patriots. We’ll probably still watch the game at some point. I’m rooting for the Steelers.”
Forty people attended the event and many didn’t leave empty handed. The Pier raffled out gift certificates to local restaurants, a 1.5 pound lobster and lots of t shirts and sweatshirts. Though it was a success, many said that hopefully there is a Patriots Super Bowl party next year instead.
